Saturday, October 26, 2013

Trick or Treating in the Square

We have so many Halloween events that we want to attend this year.  This is Anniston's first real Halloween and I want to make it fun for her.  We opted out of our local zoo's "Zoo Boo" in favor of the nearby town's "Scare on the Square."  I love everything about the Collierville Square.  It's so quaint and has a unique charm to it so I knew this would be fun.  We met up with some of our good friends and their 2 daughters and we all had a blast.

Anniston was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.  I was literally stalking the mail man waiting for her costume to arrive yesterday afternoon.  Miraculously, it arrived about 15 minutes before we left.  (And yes- I was completely on top of the Halloween costume ordering.  I ordered the costume around the first week of September, but it seems the lady who made it wasn't very on top of getting her orders out on time.)  Anyhoo, I was thrilled when I put it on her and it fit perfectly!  Doesn't she make the cutest Dorothy ever??

The town square was packed.  All the shops had someone giving out candy, so you just walked around the square trick or treating.  Out on the lawn in the middle of the square were games, face painting, etc.  It was really a great atmosphere.

We had to show Anniston what to do with her basket.  After the 2nd or 3rd time she got the hang of it and would go up to the people by herself and hold out her basket.  She was still too shy to say "Trick or Treat" but I did get a couple of "Thank you, You're Welcome" out of her towards the end.  And yes, that's how she says it sometimes, all rolled into one!

As she realized that it was candy they were putting in her basket, she suddenly became very protective over her basket.  She would not allow anyone else to hold it for long and when we let the kids run around on the grass, she had one eye on her basket of candy the entire time. 

As we walked from shop to shop, she would pull my hand saying "more, Mommy, more."  Greedy, much?  I think she liked trick or treating!  We let her have 2 pieces of candy (before this she really hasn't every had candy) and she loved it, of course.


We all headed out to grab some dinner after that and it was nice to sit and relax with some good food!  It was a great way to kick off all the Halloween festivities this week!

1 comment:

  1. Her costume is super cute and so is she...the perfect Dorothy!!
