Monday, December 30, 2013

Farewell, Kroger

After much contemplation, I have made the decision to leave my job at Kroger of 6 years and switch to a smaller, independent pharmacy.  This was a very tough decision, to say the least.  I love my job at Kroger.  I love my patients that have been with me for all these years and I love my co-workers.  But working until 8 pm 2-3 nights at week, having a 35-40 minute drive home, and working very long weekends is hard when you have a family.  We've made it work so far, and sometimes I haven't minded as much because I do love my job- but this was ultimately not what we wanted for our family in the long run.

I wasn't actively looking for a new job, but when a friend of mine called me and told me about the new job opening I just had to check it out.  After a quick phone call and an informal meeting the next day with the owner- the job was mine-if I wanted it.  I just couldn't pass it up- the hours and location were fantastic.  It's only about 10 minute from my house and the latest I will ever work is 6 pm.  The fact that my new boss is possibly one of the nicest people I've ever met is an added bonus!  And did I also mention no holidays?  That's practically unheard of in the pharmacy world!

Still, it's scary.  I don't like change.  The fear of the unknown is terrifying to me.  I hate the thought of not seeing my sweet techs everyday- some of them have become really good friends of mine.  And it makes me sad to know that I will be leaving my awesome patients whom I've gotten really close to over the last 6 years.  I'm nervous and anxious, but I feel this is the right move for us right now.  I will be home with Anniston more- and that's the most important thing.  And I will have a more consistent schedule which will be better for us all as a family.

My last day was December 26th and I'm not starting my new job until January 2nd.  That means I have almost an entire week off while Anniston is out of school to spend some quality time with her! 

Of course, leaving was hard.  The entire pharmacy went out to eat as sort of a farewell dinner about a week or so before my last day. 

These 2 girls were my first every technicians I hired when I first became manager 5 years ago.  They have stuck with me and have turned into some of the best technicians I've ever had. 

My Kroger family!

And my awesome store manager threw me a sort of farewell party at the store, complete with a gigantic cake!  I feel so blessed to have had such a great job these last 6 years.  Kroger has been so good to me and I've really enjoyed my time there. 

It's now time to close one chapter in my life and begin a new one. A new year, a new job! Bring on 2014!


  1. What a pretty cake! Congratulations on the new job- I'm sure those new hours will be worth it!

  2. Sorry, just now catching up on blog reading! I hope the new job is going well! Mr. Stanfield is just the sweetest!
