Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Rewind

It's Monday!  It's a happy Monday for me because it's my day off!  I worked this past weekend so I don't have much to talk about but I do have a few random things I'd like to share.  I'm going to do this in bullet form because I'm lazy and because I really meant it when I said this post would be random:)

- This was my very first Mother's Day!  I did have to work but I still had a great day!  Brandon gave me a pair of Nike running sunglasses that I've been wanting forever and surprised me with some Dinstuhl's chocolate truffles Saturday night when I got off work.  Brandon and Anniston went out to Aunt Tara's for a Mother's Day get together while I was at work. Brandon is such a good Daddy to take such good care of Anniston on the weekends I work.  He said they had a great time and she was so good. I think he really enjoys the father/daughter time.

- Our painters have finished painting the outside of our house.  I'm going to post some before and after pictures, but we still have to get shutters and we want to replace our front porch posts too.  We are also going to get some new landscaping but that might not be until later on.

- Our house getting painted has inspired me to update some of the inside decor a little.  I have a list of a couple of things I want to re-do so I'm going to start with one project at a time.  All this will hopefully transfer nicely when we move (which will not be before next summer).  I'll show some before and afters of what I redecorate as well!

- Brandon and I had a nice little dinner out Friday night at Old Venice.  Anniston sat up in her highchair, tried to grab everything on the table, and loved looking around at all the people.  It was fun!

-Brandon and I also got caught up on a lot of DVR this weekend after Anniston went to bed.  House Hunters, SNL (Will Ferrell was on!), and Shark Tank.  By the way- if you don't watch Shark Tank you totally should.  It's our new favorite show.

- We are planning a trip to the zoo next weekend and I'm so excited!

That's about all I have- I told you it was a boring weekend.  I have today off and next weekend off so it's going to be a great week!  Hopefully I will have more to report next Monday!

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