Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Today was a whirlwind of events, parties, and good times with good friends.  It was crazy busy but it was a blast. 

We started off the morning running to get ready for Anniston's classroom Halloween party at school.  I dropped her off and they went around trick or treating to all the different classrooms that morning. In the meantime, I raced back home to tidy up the house and prepare for the evening festivities.  I raced back up to the school for the class party which parents were invited to.  We had snacks, sang some songs, and made a craft.  It was a lot of fun seeing Anniston interact at school with all her classmates. 

After Annie woke from her nap, Poppy, Kay Kay, Grandmother, and Aunt Allie all came over to help get food ready for our little Halloween party we were having that evening.  My mom was a lifesaver and made two huge batches of chili so we could have a chili bar. 

The chili bar was a huge success!  I wish I had gotten a picture of the setup but I failed:(  I had mini Frito bags, sour cream, cheese, green onions, hot dogs, chips, chex mix- it was super easy and fun!  We had my sister/brother in law and their two girls, Brandon's mom and Nana, my mom, dad, grandmother, Allie, and my friends, Emily and Frank, and their two girls over.  We had such an awesome time!

Miss Dorothy and the Scarecrow, apparently:) 

We ate chili and then got the girls ready to go trick or treating.  Thankfully it had stopped raining by then!  This was our first Halloween in our new neighborhood and after tonight, I love our neighborhood even more!  It was so much fun!!!!  All the people in our cove set out a table with candy and apple cider and had lawn chairs all set around so they could sit back and enjoy all the kids in costume.  We started out in our cove and then ventured out to the rest of the neighborhood.  We used our new wagon that Poppy and Kay Kay bought Annie for her birthday and had the best time walking around and seeing all the other kids dressed up.  There were even people pulling hayrides of kids from a four-wheeler! 

Horrible pic, I know!  It was dark and the kids were only going to stay still for about 2 seconds.  This was what I got!

All the girls had so much fun getting their candy and seeing all the houses decked out in Halloween décor.  At one point, their was a mom and dad trying to take a picture of a group of 4 or 5 kids and Annie walks right up to them and stands right in the middle of all the kids and turns around and smiles for the camera.  I quickly ran over, embarrassed, and apologized for my little photo bomber.  My friend, Emily, explained to them that her aunt is a photographer and she is just used to getting in front of the camera and smiling.  Fortunately, they thought it was hilarious. 

We finally called it a night and managed to get Anniston to bed with only one or two pieces of candy.  I was a little worried she was going to pitch a fit about eating it all but I think she was so tired she didn't fight me too much.  That and the fact that I think she has an ear infection- which we are taking her to the doctor first thing tomorrow morning!

It was such a great time.  I'm so thankful we now have a great house to entertain in and are able to host things like this now.  We would never have been able to do something like this at our old house.  And the fact that we are in such a great neighborhood made this night even more fun!  I can hardly wait until next year!!!!

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