Thursday, November 21, 2013

Midweek Randoms

I cannot believe Thanksgiving is next week!  I have a pretty busy work week, but the overtime shift I was going to pick up on one of my days off got canceled, so it's not going to be as hectic as I originally thought. 

It feels SO good to have my Christmas décor up!  My mom and dad are coming in town this weekend to assist in hanging up our outside decorations but otherwise, I'm done.  Now to focus on Thanksgiving, Christmas presents, Anniston's advent calendar, Elf on the Shelf, etc.  It's going to be a busy December!

Anniston and I went out and about yesterday morning searching for advent calendar goodies, craft paint, ornaments for her little tree, and Christmas books.  I'm incorporating reading Christmas books into her advent calendar so I needed to buy a few more.  As always, we went up and down every toy aisle in Target oohing and aahing over everything.  She is so good about not insisting we buy anything.  She wants to hold each toy, but when I tell her it's time to put it back on the shelf she does it with no argument (so far.)  I like looking at all the toys, too, because it gives me ideas for Christmas presents.  At the top of the list so far is the Sweet Dreams Dora doll.  We look at it every time and her face just lights up when she gets to hold her. 

She also loved the Baby Alive doll and giggled when the baby talked.  I snuck a little pink broom and dust pan cleaning set into the bottom of the cart when she wasn't looking for one of her Christmas presents.  She loves to get our big broom out and sweep the kitchen floors so I'm hoping she will love having one of her own to pretend with.

In other randomness today, Annie got into my makeup yesterday morning while I was in the shower.

There was a little bit more on the other cheek and on her hands but not bad, right?  I mean, it could have been a lot worse- maybe like this??

Luckily, it came up after only a small amount of scrubbing on my part- all the while she's standing behind me saying "I sorry, Mommy."  I just couldn't get mad at her when she was being so sweet about it!

While A was napping, I worked on a little project for my upstairs hallway.  I bought this wood monogram from at a ridiculously cheap price a few weeks ago and found the perfect place to hang it upstairs.

I decided to paint it white (the walls upstairs are a light gray color) in hopes of it adding some freshness to the walls. 

Not the best after pic- but I'll take a better one when I get it on the wall.
After nap, Annie and I went for a run for the first time in a LONG time.  I've been so focused on other things since we moved that working out has not been much of a priority.  I wondered how Annie would do since she's so much older now than the last time I took her running with me.  I didn't know if she would sit still long.  She had a blast, though!  We got her all bundled up (it might have been a bit overkill) and off we went.  Whenever I would stop to take a walk break, she would yell "Run, Mommy!"  My cute little motivator:)  We ran about 2 miles- which was plenty for my first time back out there pushing a 34 lb kid (she was a lot smaller last time we went!)  We had a great time and the weather was awesome.

We treated ourselves to some Mellow Mushroom pizza once Brandon got home from work.  Anniston loves Mellow Mushroom and loves coloring while we wait on our food.  She was in such a good mood, waving and talking up a storm.

And she insisted that we hold hands when we ate.  How sweet is that?

Now I just have 2 more days of work before another long weekend!  And I'm very excited that this weekend will not be busy!

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