Monday, June 3, 2013

Girl Time and Retail Therapy

My very best friend in the entire world came into town to visit this weekend.  Mary and I have been friends since our freshman year in college and even lived together for awhile here in Memphis while I was in pharmacy school.  Even though she now lives about 3.5 hours away, I'm so glad we still keep in touch regularly and can still make time to see each other.

My how times have changed!  The pic on the left was taken maybe in the summer of 2004?  The pic on the right was taken before dinner Saturday night. 

Mary got into town Friday night right after I put Anniston to bed.  We sat outside and enjoyed the pretty weather, catching up on what all was going on.  We had already decided this was going to be a low key weekend.  We have both been so busy and we mainly wanted to chill and hang out around the house.  We can sometimes be boring like that! 

Saturday morning Brandon made us his special recipe- Puffy French Toast.  I have such a great husband:)  He was up early ready to have breakfast made for us!

I didn't know how shy Annie would be with Mary.  Anniston was still a baby the last time Mary came for a visit.  Shockingly, she took right to her- grabbing her finger to show her all her toys.  They were best friends from then on.

After the delicious breakfast, Mary and I headed out with Anniston to do a little shopping.  I rarely go shopping for clothes anymore.  Most of the things I've bought in the past 6 months (which hasn't been much) has been online.  So it was a real treat to browse the stores with my BFF.  Just like old times- well, except for the curious little toddler getting into everything!  She does make a good bag holder, though!

And, as always, shopping makes Anniston hungry.  Gotta keep up that strength! 

We didn't get much actual "shopping" done.  We were too busy chasing after Anniston.  And she loved to take both our hands and lead us wherever she wanted to go.  So we went to grab a quick bite to eat at Swanky's for lunch before heading back home to put Anniston down for her nap.  Once she was out, we put Brandon in charge and headed back out to do as much damage as we could in 2 hours.  I bought some really cute shorts from Madewell and two really cute tunics from Anthropologie.  Of course I couldn't resist buying some cute outfits for Anniston from Janie and Jack.  We were back before Anniston even woke up from her nap!

Before dinner, we went to a little boutique near our house that always has amazing jewelry- some done by local artists.  I ended up getting Anniston's thumb print done in a clay that they will put onto a necklace for me.  How cool is that?  I had never heard of that before but I'm so glad I did before she got any older!

After dinner, some playtime, and bedtime stories, Anniston was pooped.  We were too, really.  So we sat out on our patio again, listened to some music and went through decade old photos.  We laughed so hard remembering funny stories and good times.  And we had lots of them!  It's so great to have old friends to reminisce about "the good 'ole days" with.  It's definitely what this hard working mama needed! 

Here are a few other random pics from this weekend:

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